Hello there crafty friends! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are settling into 2020.I have had this project in mind for a while but it wasn't easy to find a metal toolbox-everything is plastic nowadays! My hubby found this beauty for me while he was out and about. While getting ready to move, I amassed a fair collection of my own tools which I kept separate from hubby's stuff, and the idea of a funky toolbox of my own was born.

I started out with black satin spray paint; it really is a true black, but the weather has not cooperated and the lighting in my photos seems to give a golden hue.
This was "before"....

I attached the embellishments with Gorilla Glue, which I had never used before...they really do mean it when they say on the package that the product expands when drying-be careful not to use too much or you will have chunky bits here and there...ugh! That being said, it did a wonderful job adhering lace, metal, chipboard and plastic items to the metal toolbox.
I then sprayed another coat of black over the entire surface before adding the Art Alchemy waxes. I used Brushed Iron, Rich Copper and Lucky Emerald. There were a few spots where I used some distress embossing powder in Vintage Photo before adding the wax, just for a little rough texture here and there.
This was so fun to create and I love how it came out; the waxes blended beautifully together to create a really interesting effect. They work so wonderfully on black surfaces....love them! Hope you enjoyed seeing my latest....have a terrific February!