I created this layout with a sweet photo my daughter took of one of the little feral cats who've adopted my hubby's workshop as their home...this is Tonks, the friendliest of the little family. His mama and his brother Remus are a lot more skittish, and I've only been able to pet them while they're indulging in the yummy kibble/leftovers combination I bring out for them every evening. Tonks however has figured out that being stroked and petted feels pretty nice, and he'll also take treats from my hand, rub up against me and purr like crazy. Safe to say these guys aren't planning to go anywhere; they know they have it made-LOL!

The recipe for the paste is:
1/4 c. baby powder, 1 tablespoon white glue and 1 tablespoon white acrylic paint (although you can use coloured paint if desired) Add water if needed to get the texture you want. I found with a fine stencil like this, I liked the paste fairly thick (try it out on a scrap first-my first couple attempts ran under the stencil and I had to thicken the paste up with a bit more powder!)
For the chipboard bird, I used a paste made with a mixture of gesso and salt as found on the talented Ingrid Gooyer's blog-thanks so much for sharing, Ingrid!